Berkanan- Raised By Reincarnation

Berkanan has surprised me. It probably shouldn’t have, if I had paid attention, but it did. The rune Berkanan (meaning Birch tree) in the modern age is associated with trees, healing, birth and rebirth. In my personal relationship with the rune it often came to me as a sign for healing magic, plant magic, and […]

Isa’s Lessons

One of the runic energies that I feel we as humans struggle with the most is Isa. The rune of ice is disruptive, slows things down, and delays or stops progress altogether; or at least that is how it appears to most. Its energy is very much like that of a blanket of ice that […]

Rune of the Week: Introduction

If you have been following me for a while on social media, you may have noticed that I post a rune of the week. Think of these like a forecast, a weekly focus, or an affirmation depending on how you receive its message. Runes have such an interesting and complex spiritual energy behind them, and […]


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